HIPAA Compliance

Notice of privacy practices for Ayuda Inc

This document explains how we handle your medical information regarding its use, disclosure, and your rights to access it. Ayuda Inc, which owns and operates the website getcopayhelp.com, prioritizes your privacy, and we’re legally obligated to keep you informed about our practices with your Protected Health Information (PHI)—identifying data we gather to provide you with services, including your name, medical information, and more.

Contact information for inquiries:

In case of discrepancies between this Notice and our Privacy Policy, the document offering the most protection for your PHI will prevail, particularly in relation to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Use and disclosure of PHI:

  • Treatment: We use your PHI to coordinate or manage your healthcare, including prescriptions.
  • Payment: We disclose your PHI for billing purposes, including dealings with insurers or third parties.
  • Healthcare Operations: We use PHI for operational purposes, aiming to improve healthcare quality and efficiency.

Additional uses of your health information

  • Business Associates: Ayuda Inc may contract with third parties to perform certain services for us, such as billing services, copy services, or consulting services. These third-party service providers, referred to as Business Associates, may need to access your PHI to perform services for Ayuda Inc. They are required by contract and law to protect your PHI and only use and disclose it as necessary to perform their services for us.
  • Individuals Involved in Your Care or Payment for Your Care: Unless you object, Ayuda Inc may disclose health information about you to a friend or family member who is involved in your care. We may also give information to someone who helps pay for your care. Additionally, our employees, using their professional judgment, may disclose PHI to other health care professionals or providers who are directly involved in your care and treatment.
  • Disclosures to Parents or Legal Guardians: If you are a minor, Ayuda Inc may release your PHI to your parents or legal guardians when we are permitted or required under federal and applicable state laws. In those cases, Ayuda Inc will follow state laws regarding disclosure of a minor’s PHI.
  • As Required By Law: Ayuda Inc will disclose health information about you when required to do so by federal, state, or local law.
  • To Avert a Serious Threat to Health or Safety: Ayuda Inc may use and disclose health information about you to prevent a serious threat to your health and safety or the health and safety of the public or another person. This would only be done to help prevent the threat.
  • Organ and Tissue Donation: Consistent with applicable law, Ayuda Inc may disclose your PHI to organizations engaged in the procurement, banking, or transplantation of organs for the purpose of tissue donation and transplant.
  • Military and Veterans: If you are a member of the armed forces, Ayuda Inc may disclose health information about you as required by military authorities. We may also disclose health information about foreign military personnel to the appropriate foreign military authority.
  • Research: Ayuda Inc may use your PHI for research purposes and may disclose your PHI to researchers as authorized by law, such as part of a research study approved by an institutional review board or privacy board.
  • Workers’ Compensation: Ayuda Inc may disclose health information about you for workers’ compensation or similar programs providing benefits for work-related injuries or illness.
  • Reporting: Federal and state laws may require or permit Prescription Hope to disclose certain health information related to the following:
    • Prevention or control of disease, injury or disability;
    • Notifying people of recalls of products;
    • Notifying a person who may have been exposed to a disease or may be at risk for contracting or spreading a disease
  • Health Oversight Activities: Ayuda Inc may disclose health information to health oversight agencies for activities authorized by law, such as audits, investigations, and inspections.
  • Judicial and Administrative Proceedings: If involved in a lawsuit or dispute, Ayuda Inc may disclose health information about you in response to a court or administrative order, or in response to a subpoena, discovery request, or other lawful process.
  • Law Enforcement: We may disclose health information when requested by a law enforcement official:
    • In response to a court order, subpoena, warrant, summons or similar process;
    • To identify or locate a suspect, fugitive, material witness, or missing person;
    • About you, the victim of a crime if, under certain limited circumstances, we are unable to obtain your agreement;
    • About a death we believe may be the result of criminal conduct;
    • About criminal conduct at Prescription Hope; and
    • In emergency circumstances to report a crime; the location of the crime or victims; or the identity, description or location of the person who committed the crime.
  • Coroners, Medical Examiners, and Funeral Directors: Necessary disclosures may be made to coroners, medical examiners, and funeral directors for them to carry out their duties.
  • National Security and Intelligence Activities: Ayuda Inc may disclose health information about you to authorized federal officials for national security reasons authorized by law.
  • Correctional Institution: If you are an inmate, Ayuda Inc may disclose health information necessary for your health and the health and safety of others.
  • Protective Services for the President and Others: Ayuda Inc may disclose your PHI to federal officials for protective services for authorized individuals or for special investigations.

Your rights regarding health information about you

While your health record is the property of Ayuda Inc, the information belongs to you. Here are your rights concerning your PHI:

  • Right to Inspect and Copy: You have the right, with some exceptions, to inspect and obtain a copy of your PHI. To access your information, you must submit a written request to Ayuda Inc. A fee may be charged for the costs of copying, mailing, or other supplies associated with your request.
  • Right to Amend: If you believe the health information in your record is incorrect or incomplete, you may request an amendment. This right extends for as long as the information is maintained by or for Ayuda Inc. Your request must be made in writing and submitted to Ayuda Inc, along with a reason supporting the request. We may deny your request if it is not in writing, lacks a supporting reason, or if the information was not created by us, is not part of the records maintained by or for Ayuda Inc, or is deemed accurate and complete.
  • Right to an Accounting of Disclosures: You have the right to request an accounting of certain disclosures of your PHI that Ayuda Inc has made. This does not include disclosures made for treatment, payment, or healthcare operations. Your request must be written and specify the time period for the accounting, which cannot exceed six years. The first accounting in a 12-month period is free; subsequent requests may incur a charge.
  • Right to Request Restrictions: You may request restrictions or limitations on the use or disclosure of your PHI. This can include requests to limit disclosures to certain individuals involved in your care or payment for your care. Ayuda Inc is not required to agree to these restrictions, but if we do, we will abide by our agreement except in emergency situations. Requests must be made in writing.
  • Right to Request Confidential Communications: You have the right to request that we communicate with you about medical matters in a certain way or at a certain location. For example, you might request communications by mail at a specific address. You must make this request in writing, specifying how or where you wish to be contacted. Ayuda Inc will accommodate reasonable requests.
  • Right to a Paper Copy of This Notice: You are entitled to a paper copy of this Notice of Privacy Practices at any time, even if you have agreed to receive the Notice electronically. You may obtain a copy by contacting Ayuda Inc using the provided contact details.

Changes to this notice

Ayuda Inc reserves the right to change this Notice and make the new Notice effective for all PHI we maintain. The current Notice will be posted in our facilities and on our website, specifying the effective date.


If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with Ayuda Inc or with the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services without fear of retaliation.

Effective Date of Notice: August 22, 2024